Monday, May 25, 2009

I'd like to say, first off, I am in love with this bag. Love Kohls. It would be useful for carrying my planner and padfolio, and still look good.

Back to shoes, my aunt directed me to Aerosoles and after checking out their website, I'm pretty excited to check out their outlet store with my mom. We're also planning on heading over to the Nordstrom outlet store too.

Sorry to make my posts so fashion focused. Create my professional wardrobe is just all that is left on my check-list preparation wise. I've got the plane ticket, I've made the down-payment on my apartment and the first payment, etc.

I promise that clothing/accessories will not be the subject of my posts in DC... at least not all the time. I do appreciate a good ensemble every once and a while though, I cannot and will not lie.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

“An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.” - Ben Franklin

I have always been a reader. When I was young I used to go to the public library and check out literally piles of books. I always finished the summer reading program early. I read all of the Babysitters' Club books and the whole Sweet Valley High series in grade school and Jr. High. As the good young lady, Jane Austen, once wrote to someone, "The person, be it gentleman or lady, who has not pleasure in a good novel, must be intolerably stupid." I don't know if I'd go that far, but I do believe that reading is important, especially in a child's life.

Anyway, to this day I still love to read for pleasure and read for knowledge. So naturally, in preparation for my departure to DC I've done a little bit of research. I've scoured two travel guides for DC to learn as much about our nation's capital. I've also done a little bit of research on topics related to my internship. However, the most fun I've had has been reading "The Georgetown Ladies' Social Club."

The book talks about the lives of five of the most powerful women in American politics in the late 1900s. These women hosted bipartisan dinner parties that brought some of the most powerful men and women in American together. So much was discussed about the current events of the day that much of what was decided at Georgetown dinner parties was later put into policy. I cannot wait to finish the book!

These women are so very inspiring. I wish there was a biography out for Teresa Heinz Kerry. She is a woman I would love to meet and an invitation to one of her dinner parties is a goal of mine for the future. The same, of course, with Michelle Obama. But for some reason I am very drawn to the work of Mrs. Kerry.

Finally, before I sign off for this post, I'd like to ask for opinions. Obviously, on the side of the blog, I wrote the places I would like to go to or visit while in DC. Does anyone have any suggestions for places I should go or things I should check out while there? If so, just post your suggestion in the comments section.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Who said I can't wear my converse with my dress?

Don't worry. I will not be descending upon capitol hill wearing converse... I don't even wear them in "regular life." I really have never understood peoples' fascination with those particular styles of shoes.

So why the title? It's in reference to the fact that my mom and I finished buying my DC wardrobe (I'm going to owe her so much money... though I had almost $300 in savings). All I have left is to find myself a pair or sensible shoes (stylish & comfy). Help?!

Speaking of style. On the left side of my blog is the "Blogroll." Many of the sites (especially CapitolHillStyle) have been my muse as I assembled my ensemble. I am now equipped with a black skirt, print skirt, black pants, grey/back striped pants, and a lot of amazing shirts (the ones bellow in teal/red/purple respectively and the ones I already own).

I've had a fun time combining my classic 1920s style with inspiration from Mrs. O. Hopefully it will help me stand out (in a good way) and give me credibility.

Again, any suggestions on some stylish/comfy shoes would be appreciated.

About This Blog

Welcome to "A View from Capitol Hill"! Who am I? Those who need to know, know who I am. Those who don't- you don't need to know details. Details to strangers is what encourages a little thing called stalking.

What I will say is that I am an intern that will be working on capitol hill in Washington DC during the summer. I leave in about two weeks from my hometown in the Midwest.

I have lived away from home, even out of state for college. But I have never lived over two hours away from my family, nor have I ever lived in an apartment.

Will I be over my head? Hopefully not. But I know this trip and my experience with my internship will be an adventure and keep me quite busy. I hope to use this blog to keep family members and friends updated, because I'm not so sure how often I will be able to send an email update to people or talk on the phone to people individually. But now anyone who wants an update knows they can come here.

So leave me a comment if you want to. =)