Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Long Owed Update

This week has had its ups and downs. My being sick continued until late Tuesday. My cough resumed again Sunday, unfortunately. Anyway, this past week kept me very busy as the Senate and House passed bills dealing with the defense. I also had the excellent chance to go to part of the congressional hearing on Foreign Affairs, specifically to the hearing on Guatemala. That was very interesting- especially since it was the first hearing that did not seem staged. Meaning, not all the congressmen agreed and not all the witness agreed either.

This weekend I went to Monticello with Katharine. It was amazing! I'd post pictures but I - gasp - forgot my camera. Katharine brought hers though, so I took some with her's so I'm just going to have to wait until she posts them.

Yesterday I was able to go on a tour of the Pentagon. It was really interesting! Did you know about 1/3 of the signatories of the Declaration were military? Did not know that!

Also, in the middle of the pentagon there is a courtyard. In the middle of that is a little building. During the Cold War the Soviets had satellite pictures that showed hordes of people going in the building and left with bags. So that Soviets assumed that it was some sort of intelligence hub and trained all of the missiles on it. - It was a hot dog stand. People joke that it's the deadliest hot dog stand in America. Now I think it's just a general cafeteria.

Today I got a chance to tour the diplomatic rooms. The above picture is from the more intimate diplomatic room. The one to the right is the largest diplomatic room, which was set up for an event that will take place tomorrow. My goal is one day to be invited to both of those rooms... and not as tourist.

This week should keep me pretty busy. I have various events and more House/Senate work. I love working with House/Senate affairs. It actually might come in handy too, because the Marquette Office of Public Affairs is looking for a student to work part-time as a government relations intern. With all the money I failed to make this summer, a part-time job could be perfect. I put an email into the contact to find out how many hours a week the job is and the hourly wage (all information they failed to post), but I think I'll also call tomorrow. I'd love to be able to keep working on government relations work even when I return to school. We shall see.

Tomorrow I shall try to write a post on my amazing neighbor, Mr. Smith*, and his dog, Jane*.

*Names have been changed... especially since I don't know their real names

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